The competition is open to all individuals, companies and organizations involved in producing any type of project involving digital media for external or internal audiences. To be eligible, an entry must have been produced after January 1, 2018.

The fee for entry is $110 or $175 for Campaigns. If an entry is submitted in more than one category, please enclose an additional entry fee for each time it is entered.

There are 227 categories in a broad range of categories under Digital Marketing, Web / Television / Video / Audio Communication and Electronic / Social / Interactive Media.
See Categories

AMCP recognizes the talents and generosity of the creative community and does not charge for entries produced pro bono for outside nonprofits. Only entrants who enter a regular piece in the competition are eligible to enter pro bono work at no cost. This is a perk for those who help defray costs of overhead, mailings, judging etc.
You can only have one pro bono entry per client. Multiple pieces count as one entry. You can however have an unlimited number of pro bono clients. You should not have received any compensation. It is ok for the nonprofit or others to have paid for hard costs such as materials. You will be judged on creativity and the extent of your effort.
If you want to submit pro bono work only, you must pay the regular entry fees.

Over the past two decades, Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals’ judges have earned a reputation for accuracy, fairness and credibility.
Entries are judged at random and not compared directly to other entries in their categories. There is no preset number of winners in a category. There are no lengthy essays to persuade the judges; so all work is evaluated solely on its own quality, creativity and resourcefulness. Judges base their decisions on learned perceptions of creative excellence rather than an entrant’s imaginative explanation of an entry’s value.
Since there is a tremendous variance of resources from entrant-to-entrant, and piece-to-piece, perceived budget is taken into consideration in the judging. Based on their work experiences, judges have an expectation for each individual entry. A student-produced project is not held to the same expectation as a piece produced by a Madison Avenue agency for a Fortune 500 company.
Judges verbalize their criticisms, compliments etc. and then agree on a score. Entries receiving scores between 90-100 points are Platinum Winners. Entries with 80-89 points are Gold Winners. Entries scoring from 70-79 receive an Honorable Mention certificate.

The competition is currently closed. The next competition opens November 1, 2024.
If you need an extension, call 214-377-3526 or email 手机虚拟专用网络设置.

AVA Digital Awards recognizes that many of the entries are internal or proprietary in nature, or are done for the government or another company. So, unless permission is granted during the entry process, entries will not be displayed in the winner list, gallery, social media or any other place.
AVA Digital Awards assumes that entrants have all permission and rights associated with their entries.